Rockport is a small beachfront community, but still offers plenty of amenities for our fly fishing guests. Nearby Corpus Christi provides easy airport access and all of the conveniences of a larger city. Surrounded by the crystal clear waters of Copano and Aransas Bays, and nearby San Antonio and Matagora Bays, Rockport is our home and base of operations. Excellent year-round populations of Redfish, Speckled Trout and Black Drum make Rockport the place to be!
Fishing a Texas flat is an experience that will challenge any angler. You’ll spot cruising fish feeding in shallow, flawless water. Stealth is essential around these fish. Many compare it to hunting for this very reason. Stalking a spooky redfish is an exciting, engaging, and heart pounding experience!
If you come with the ability to cast 30-40 feet accurately and reliably, with varied wind, limited false casts, lengthy leader, and a heavy fly, you will be rewarded with numerous quality chances to catch great fish. But fishing the Texas flats isn’t just for experienced anglers! Beginners and experts alike will all have a superb time testing their skills and learning new ones!
Our fly fishing guides are the finest and will ensure you gain the most benefit possible from your time with them. In preparation for your trip, your guide studies the water levels, current fishing conditions, and weather to select the best place and time to meet. Use our gear or bring your own if you prefer. Just be ready for a great time on the water!
Our Half Day trips are four to five hours on the water, while a Full Day is approximately eight to nine hours. We also provide Stay & Fish if you plan to fish multiple days with us, or want assistance finding sleeping accommodations. Here at Fly Fish Rockport, we are very excited to have you on the boat. To learn more about our fly fishing trips, follow the link below: