The Rockport Fly Fishing Experience

Spring weather in Rockport typically begins in mid February. The winds are more commonly from the southeast, bringing with them warmer air. Daytime highs return to the mid 70s, with warmer overnights as well. We do tend to see a few rain showers beginning in mid March and early April. But these are typically warm weather patterns and very brief.
Our summer weather has typically set in by late May. Long days with plenty of sun are the norm here. Our prevailing winds are from the southeast and also bring warm air with them. Overnight temps are typically in the 70s, with highs during the days reaching the 90 degree range commonly. Being this close to the water, the humidity isn’t too bad and we usually have a light breeze to keep it comfortable.
Our fall season in Rockport typically begins towards the end of September. The hotter days and nights of summer start subsiding and cooler evening temperatures make it very comfortable. Overnights remain in the 60-70 degree range, with daytime highs typically in the 80s, but with much less humidity then the dog days of summer.
Rockport winters typically begin around the end of December. By this time, the days are shorter and the overnight temperatures can dip into the upper 40s fairly consistently. Winds from the north become a little more common, but usually don’t blow too hard. Our typical daytime highs are right around 70 degrees.
Rockport offers some of the best saltwater fly fishing on the entire Texas Coast. The city is surrounded by the crystal clear waters of Copano Bay, Redfish Bay, Aransas Bay and nearby San Antonio and Matagorda Bays. There are excellent year-round populations of Redfish, Speckled Trout and Black Drum, and occasional opportunities for other species such as Jack Crevalle and Tarpon. There are fish to challenge every angler.
In and around Rockport, fly fishing typically consists of sight fishing shallow water areas, or flats. These range from sand flats to mud flats, grass flats or flats composed of crushed oyster shells. Most of our sight fishing will be done in less than two feet of crystal clear water, making the fish very visible to the trained eye.
We often fish around grass banks. Our redfish and trout love to ambush their prey, and shallow grassy banks are the perfect place to do it. In this scenario, we will sight fish that are cruising these grassy banks, typically in very shallow water. They will often times swim deep into the grass in order to chase after baitfish.
Another popular location to sight fish, while fly fishing in Rockport, is along oyster beds. Baitfish love to congregate on very shallow oyster shell reefs. Typically, the redfish or trout will not be too far behind them. In this scenario, we commonly search along the edges of these oyster beds for fish awaiting the opportunity to ambush baitfish.