It’s time for another Rockport fishing report. We will fill you in on what we saw on the water the past few days, as well as what we expect for the coming week ahead. Spring weather is finally here, we think/hope. So hopefully our Rockport fishing reports continue to improve as we move ahead.
The past week fished pretty decent. Nothing outstanding really, but not terrible either. The weather still seems to be the biggest story on most days. We have been stuck in a warm weather pattern as of late. Unfortunately, this has also brought fog and clouds our way. Most mornings have been cloudy, foggy and damp. The temps are ok, with most mornings being in the mid 60’s when we hit the water, but the light is hard to come by. Obviously that is pretty tough on the whole sight fishing program. We have been able to pick away at it each morning, getting a few shots here and there. But not only is it very hard to see, but the fish don’t exactly love that weather either.
As the day goes on, the fog and clouds have been burning off. Of course this has also brought with it a little wind. Some days aren’t too bad, maxing out in the 10-15 mph range. Today however, we were pretty much beat down with winds in the mid 20’s and up all day. No fun! But, the good news is, that this is more of a Spring pattern for us. So that is a positive. And as low as our water has been for the past couple of months, maybe some of this wind will help blow a little more water back into the bays for us. It’s still very skinny out there.
But really, this weather is a vast improvement. Every year around this time, we struggle with a week or so of funky weather as we transition more towards our Spring weather trends. So hopefully that is all we are seeing. This would then be followed by warmer temps, sunshine and of course some afternoon winds on the average Spring day. Honestly, after the Winter we’ve had, we’ll take it. We need some more sun in our lives, and Rockport fishing reports.
As the sun came out each day, so did the fish. We would begin seeing far more fish and fish movement. Far fewer blowing out of the mud next to the boat and more cruising around the flats. Tails are still very few and far between. But we were able to see a few solos on Sunday. We spent the majority of our day fishing South of Port Aransas. Most quickly tipped to eat something, then went back to their slow cruise. But they were certainly looking for food, and willing to eat our fly (“The Chartreucer” pictured above). But definitely the sun was the biggest component to making our days come together lately. The fish are not only much easier to see, but far more happy and willing to move around.
Saturday took much longer for the sun to burn through. Somewhere closer to 2pm, we finally found some blue skies out there in the Port O’Connor area. But as the clouds lifted, the fish began moving in numbers. Fishing the very edge of a flat, near 4-6′ of water, provided numerous opportunities. The redfish were schooled up and moving into the shallows, along with some smaller drum as well. Most of the red schools were 3-5 fish, with a few closer to 20 fish. Most all of the drum were swimming around in big numbers. Easily 25-40 drum together. As the sun remained out, the reds did spread out across the flat a little bit, allowing us a few shots at cruisers.
Today’s wind event is the beginning of a little weather here along the coast. We are looking at a couple days coming up that should give us some rain and even more Southeast wind. So we are going to be forced off the flats for at least a couple days. Perhaps we will visit a few of our secret bass spots or something to avoid sitting on our hands.
Later in the week is looking like it will clear off, although the winds may remain. But it may be doable for late in the week and hopefully the weekend. We will try to get another report out on Friday, for those curious about the weekend ahead.
You can always email any time if you would like any up to the minute fly fishing or Rockport type news. We continue to post on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat. We try to keep stuff fresh for those of you that are wishing you were on the flats with us. So be sure to follow us on all our social media stuff. And don’t forget to sign up for our monthly newsletter below.
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