Here is your Rockport fishing report for early November…
We have had a few days of funky weather around here lately. Nothing too terrible really. But it hasn’t been too great for fishing either. But we’ve been out there doing what we can, with what we are dealt. Some days it pays off, others… not so much.
Today was no exception. Dark skies for most of the day, with a threat of rain here and there. Luckily, we managed to dodge that bullet. But spotting fish was tough in the low light. Not much for tailing fish as well. So it was a bit tricky today. We did manage a handful of reds and two large drum. The fish we did see were plenty willing to eat. It was just the spotting them part that was tricky.
This has kind of been the norm for the past 4-5 days. The weather has been pretty unstable, and with it, the fish. But when you do see them cruising around, they are very willing to cooperate. But as the weather changes throughout the day, so do their attitudes. So it can be a bit frustrating at times. But persistence has been paying off.
Crab patterns have been our best still. But shrimp and baitfish patterns have worked a bit too. Not a lot of opportunity the past few days for a topwater really, so no new updates there. We haven’t had a problem getting a crab pattern eaten at all, so we are kinda riding that train still.
We did try to make lemons out of lemonade one bad weather day, by running down the coast looking for fish in the surf. It’s pretty late in the year for this to be really “good”, but we gave it a shot anyway. The jacks appear to be pretty much a done deal out there. You may see one or two, but that will be your day. You will see many of the conventional anglers reeling in some nice reds as well. We didn’t see any the other day while we were looking. But they should be running up and down the beaches somewhere out there. For the most part though, we will be sticking to the boats for the time being. Unless you want to play with the skipjacks. No shortage of those around out there.
It looks like we have finally kicked some of this crap weather, for the time being. So we are looking forward to being on the water every day this week. Sunny days and light winds are in our very near future. So it should be pretty good out there.
We will keep the reports up for everyone. Of course you can always email any time if you would like any up to the minute fishing or Rockport news. We continue to post on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat. We try to keep stuff fresh for those of you that are wishing you were on the flats with us. So be sure to follow us on all our social media stuff. And don’t forget to sign up for our monthly newsletter below!!!
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