Here is our first Rockport fishing report for the month of October. A lot of stuff going on these days on the Coastal Bend of Texas and Rockport. So we will try to keep everyone up to speed a bit, and even talk a bit of fishing for this Rockport fishing report!
First off… Our home of Rockport, and other coastal towns, are continuing to get better. Little by little and day by day, things are on the mend. There is still plenty of work to be done, but progress is being made for sure. So this is a positive. We would also like to remember all of our friends in Florida and The Keys as well. Many friends were affected there by hurricane Irma. So they are dealing with much of the same.
The fly fishing community is surprisingly small and tight. Most within the industry, have friends and peers all over the country or even globe. So when things like this happen, its very common to hear from friends in other states, regions and even countries. They all know what we do, as many do the same. And we all understand that mother nature can hand any and all of us a setback at any given moment. So keep things like this in mind, as you watch storms surge through The Keys, Bahamas, Cuba, etc. Fishing guides are a stubborn bunch. So they will survive for sure. But we know that this will hurt many for a while.
Now, back to our Rockport fishing report and affairs a bit closer to home… We are back in business and on the water again. We are receiving lots of calls from folks interested in fishing. Many of them Texan. Seems like many want to come down to the coast to do their part in helping these towns get back on their feet again. We couldn’t be happier. The best way for us to help our communities now, is to continue to encourage guests to come down, visit the coast and fish. We want everyone to know that the fishing is still good. Our town is ok and getting better by the day. And the best way to help the area now, is get down here and continue on as usual. So we are back on the water with clients and catching fish once again.
As for the fishing part of this Rockport fishing report… The fishing has been pretty good. We are just starting to experience some of our cooler days. Not that it still hasn’t been plenty warm. But you can tell the days are a touch cooler and a bit shorter. So this makes for a little better fishing every day as we move forward. We are looking at a little weather here the next few days. We could see some showers and plenty of wind the next couple. So maybe a good time to find something else to do. But this wind/weather is a pretty welcome sight.
Some of our water, best known for being crystal clear all year long, is still off color from the storm. Mainly, some of the more remote bays, lakes and marshes in the system. With the water still being high, we haven’t had a real good opportunity to flush these areas out. So the water remains off color and in some spots, unfishable. But this is mainly just a few spots. The majority of the water in the area is still just fine and fishing well. But hopefully some of these winds will help to flush some of the water out and allow things to clear up a bit more.
The fishing has been solid out there. Small schools of tailing fish are common place in the morning hours. As the day goes on, those will give way to double and single fish cruising. Most are plenty happy to eat a well presented fly. The pattern didn’t seem to matter much, as the fish were pretty cooperative. So throw what you are confident in and get it in front of them.
As we continue on into October, you can expect the fishing to get better and better. The days will continue to cool, and the evenings will be longer and cooler as well. This will really get the fish fired up, as we leave some of these summer water temps behind us… finally! After taking the month of September off the water, we have a bunch of boats headed out this month. So we will be a bit more regular with our Rockport fishing reports once again.
We are also getting many calls and emails in regards to the state of things on the Coast, lodging and dining options and pretty much all things post hurricane. We are more than happy to help everyone in any way we can. We do have a number of lodging options in Rockport available. Also, many of our favorite spots were also spared during the storm. So we are happy to help recommend options for you as you plan your trip down to the coast. Of course things are changing daily, but we will do our best to help you find what you are looking for and keep you informed as things move forward.
Again, we will do our best to stay up to date on things as they transpire. We appreciate all the kind thoughts and messages coming our way. Of course you can always email any time if you would like an up to the minute Rockport news. We continue to post on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat. We try to keep stuff fresh for those of you that are wishing you were on the flats with us. So be sure to follow us on all our social media stuff. And don’t forget to sign up for our monthly newsletter below!!!
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