A little later than planned, but finally your Rockport fishing report for mid October. It’s starting to feel a little bit like Fall around here now… sort of. We are coming off of our first little weather from the North, which was nice. It brought with it some cooler air and a lot less humidity. All welcome changes.
This wind from the North also helped blow a little bit of the water out of the bays. It is still very high every where, but a tiny bit better, compared to the last Rockport fishing report. This has also helped some of the water clear a little better too. So things are much clearer out there than they were even a week or so ago.
The fishing has been pretty good. Not great, but very solid. The fish are there and feeding well. Tailing fish in the early morning hours have been pretty common. As the day goes on, fewer tails and more cruisers become more the norm. The hardest part… finding them. With this much water, and flooded land, the redfish are spread out all over the place. But they are there. They just have a lot more room to move around these days.
The water is still pretty warm out there as well. So this means that we are occasionally bumping into schools of tarpon and jacks in the early morning hours, near the ports to open water. Also, there are skipjacks all over the flats as well. They are plenty willing to chase a fly for you, if you want. But be prepared for them to trash your leaders and flies. But they can be pretty funny, if you have never hooked one. They pretty much go nuts; running, jumping, spinning in circles, etc.
Lot’s of flies are working. Crab patterns, shrimp patterns, or pretty much anything else you want. We have favored crab patterns for reds. The fish have been very willing to pick those up. Topwaters for jacks have been our favorite in the first light times of day.
We are still getting many folks asking about Rockport, and the rest of the Coastal Bend. Briefly… All is ok and getting better by the day. Rockport has plenty of places to stay, places to eat and fish to catch. Yes, there is still a lot to be done down here. But it is starting to feel more “normal” with every day that passes. So we are happy to report that things are looking up down here, although there is still a ways to go.
We are on the water every day from here on through the holidays. So we will try to keep the reports up to speed for everyone. Of course you can always email any time if you would like any up to the minute fishing or Rockport news. We continue to post on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat. We try to keep stuff fresh for those of you that are wishing you were on the flats with us. So be sure to follow us on all our social media stuff. And don’t forget to sign up for our monthly newsletter below!!!
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