It’s time for your late’ish August Rockport fishing report. The dog days of Summer are certainly upon us. Although the fishing has been pretty solid lately, despite the heat. But that doesn’t mean we aren’t glad to see August going, and September/October right behind it.
Though the days have remained pretty darn warm, our water temps are actually a little better than they were during our last reports. So this has made for plenty of fish that are still willing to cooperate with us… most days. That being said, morning are still the program. The afternoons are still much tougher. So we have been doing our best to avoid them.
Tailing fish are pretty common place most mornings. If there is some wind, that can certainly make it a little tougher to see them. But most days have been pretty good as of late. This has been the norm into the later hours of morning. As that sun gets a little higher, and begins to warm up, the fish get a little more bashful and you will have to do without the tails guiding your way.
There are still schools of fish around. Although it seems that they have become pretty unpredictable lately. No body is surprised to see them, but don’t bank on it. Schooling fish have been plenty willing to eat for us.
Singles, doubles and such have been the mainstay these days. This is what you can expect once the tails stop. Many of the fish are cooperative, but certainly not all. It takes a very good cast and presentation to get it done this time of year. Many of the fish aren’t wanting to move a ton for flies. So don’t expect them to lunge forward a few feet if/when they see your fly, like they will in the cooler months. So make that cast count, and strip that fly back to their faces.
This time of year you will encounter plenty of snotty fish. No, its not necessarily your fly. These fish are just annoying and not overly eager when its this hot out. The first fish we see that snubs a good cast, doesn’t send us digging into our fly box. Take your lumps, move on and find a new fish or two. If they turn a blind eye to the right cast…? Maybe time to try something. We like going smaller and lighter this time of year. Smaller flies, lighter tippet, etc. Maybe its all in our heads (which it is with most guides). Or maybe not?
August is about outta here. That brings on September and then, finally, October shows up. We can’t wait for the longer cooler nights, and the cooler water those bring. Fish activity will increase dramatically, and we can’t wait for it! But until then, the fishing is solid and a bunch of fun.
We have boats on the water today and the rest of this week. So we will try to sneak one more Rockport fishing report in at the end of the month. We will let folks know what we are seeing out there. Our guides report back every day with locations and results. So of course you can always email any time if you would like an up to the minute Rockport fishing report. We continue to post on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and even Snapchat. We try to keep stuff fresh for those of you that are wishing you were on the flats with us. So be sure to follow us on all our social media stuff.
Capt. Jeff is slacking on the newsletter. All we heard was him muttering something about needing a vacation, Alaska and Northern Pike. So who knows what’s up with that. But he said it will be there by the end of the month. We will try to make these happen for you about once a month. Each newsletter will include the latest news, fishing reports, info on gear, fly patterns and pretty much anything else we can think of. And of course we are always open to suggestions. So be sure to sign up to receive these newsletters below.
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