June is here, and also the first Rockport fishing report of the month. We’re sorry for slacking a little bit. But we’ve had everyone out on the water the past couple of days chasing fish. But we are finally coming back around to get you the latest info from what we are seeing out there right now.
The water is up pretty high these days. This has spread some of the fish out a bit more it seems. We aren’t seeing quite as many schooling fish, and certainly not finding schools throughout the day currently. But we are still seeing plenty of fish out there. Sometimes it does take a little searching though.
We had some rain a little earlier in the week. After that happened, we started finding a few fish with a bit of an attitude. A perfectly placed cast might get completely ignored by a fish or two. Then the next fish will chase it down from three feet away. The fly pattern didn’t seem to sway them one way or the other. Some fish simply didn’t care… AT ALL! Then the next ate it like he had been starving for a month. So we opted for sticking with the program, shrugging of the snubbed casts and blaming it on the fish. Seemed like a good excuse at least.
For the most part though, the fish are doing what you would expect them to do, where you would expect them to do it. The topwater bite for trout early has been good. Reds are willing to eat it too. Jacks and Tarpon are around, but sporadic. So we have kept our focus on the reds primarily.
Most of our boats have been in the Rockport and Port Aransas areas lately. We did fish the Upper Laguna Madre one day earlier this week, which was just fine. But with a few days of light North winds, we have been favoring some of the waters North of Rockport a fair bit.
Flies have been all over the board. We always love the dark crab patterns, which have still been working very well. Smaller, dark colored gurglers have been our best on the surface. And a variety of smaller baitfish patterns have been pretty solid as well. Don’t take it personally if a fish swims right past your offering. We’re seeing the same here and there. Fish with confidence and the next one will pay off.
We are still enjoying the weather we’ve been having lately. The full blown heat of Summer hasn’t quite set in yet. So the fishing remains solid throughout the days. No need to kill yourself getting out there at first light… yet. So we are enjoying this weather, while we can. The forecast calls for more of the same for the foreseeable future. This bodes well for your Rockport fishing reports.
We have boats out the remainder of this week. So we will post back again soon with any updates on what we are seeing and where we are fishing. We will continue to post our exploits, or follies, on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and even Snapchat. We try to post something most every day, to keep you entertained while you are sitting in your office, wishing you were on the Texas flats. Or of course you can email any time for additional info or ask about what we did and where we did it that day. We will tell you where we fished and what we saw, as best we can.
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