Here is your mid May Rockport fishing report for Rockport, Texas and surrounding waters. We have reached the middle of May, already, which seems pretty crazy. This Spring has flown by already. But the good news is, it still feels like Spring out there.
Your Rockport fishing report still remains quite good. Our boats have been doing well out there on the water each day, despite some annoying wind. But the fish are there, schooling up all over the place and plenty happy to eat a fly. So its all worth it!
Early this past week we had some North winds blow threw. This changed up the water situation a fair bit. A bunch of water blew out of the bays which was a nice change. We were left with lower water for a few days and a bunch of tailing fish. This was a bonus, as we did have some days with more clouds than we would’ve liked. But they aren’t too hard to see, when they are waiving a tail at you.
Into the weekend, with the lower water, reports from all our boats were the same. Lot’s of schooling fish throughout the day. Most in the 5-10 fish range. Although a handful were easily 25-30 fish all working together for food. This made for some easy targets and a bunch of fish in the boat.
With schooling action like that, the fly selection was pretty similar. The crab is the favorite still, although fish feeding that frantically will eat anything you can get in front of them. But dark colored crab patterns are still the first flies out of the box each day these days. As they say, “If it ain’t broke…”
The winds as we right this are right back to their normal annoying Spring routine. Strong blows from the South/South East will again be the norm in the afternoons this week. We like to get out early and do as much damage as we can, before it gets too rowdy in the later afternoon. But the weather does look good for the coming week. Also, we remain thankful that temps have largely remained in the 80’s this month. That is keeping it pleasant out there on the water for us, and certainly making for some happy fish swimming around as well.
We have boats running all over the place this coming week. So we will post back again soon with any updates on what we are seeing and where we are fishing. We will continue to post our exploits, or follies, on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and even Snapchat. We try to post something most every day, to keep you entertained while you are sitting in your office, wishing you were on the Texas flats. Or of course you can email any time for additional info or ask about what we did and where we did it that day. We will tell you where we fished and what we saw, as best we can.
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