Another nice redfish on the fly in Rockport, Texas.
What is up with the weather these days?!? And welcome to your mid March Rockport Fishing Report.
The weather the past week or so has been a bit “interesting” at times. The weather man says one thing, you get another. Wash, rinse, repeat every day. But honestly, it hasn’t been that bad. We have still been on the water every day, and are still quite productive. Maybe not as much as we would like, but the fish are there and giving us chances. So what more can we ask for?
It’s been a constant blend of clouds, winds, fog and mist for the past week almost. Some days it burns off by 9am, as they predict. Other days, you’re out there scratching your head a bit at noon still. The good news is, the fish are still in shallow and moving around. So we are able to see fish right out of the gate each day. Maybe not as easily as one would like, but they are giving us the shots we need. Every day is not created equal though. One day we get 15-20 shots in low light, the next its 5-6. It’s just a little all over the place.
When you do get your shot, if you get in front of the fish, they have been eating for us quite well. Haven’t had to change a fly pattern all week, as they just keep eating whats in front of them. My best has continued to be a dark crab pattern. And a fairly big one at that. Fish have been responding well to it. So if it ain’t broke…
Your Rockport fishing report should be a bit rosier next week. Looks like we will start seeing the sun again, which will be nice. It should continue to warm the water and bring even more fish in for us. Always a plus. And the black drum continue to come into the shallows in good numbers. They are getting ready to do the spawn thing and are picking up crabs in the backwater lakes/creeks. Always a nice challenge there as well.
April has filled up pretty quick thus far, but there are some days available still. May isn’t far behind. If you would like to get out on the flats in Rockport, or the surrounding waters, contact us and we can get your trip booked ASAP!