May is here and so is the first Rockport fishing report of the month. So far, this month is starting out and looking a lot like last month. That is actually pretty good news, as the Rockport fishing reports for all of April were pretty darn good. We expect much of the same the month of May as well.
All the boats we had out last week did well each day. Plenty of fish were seen throughout each day. Quite a few tails most mornings, then cruisers providing plenty of action until the boats were on the trailers in the evening. So all is well on that front.
The fly selection remains very much the same as well. Most of our guides are favoring crab patterns above all else. But a variety of flies are working. Also, the topwater action remains strong as well. Its not hard at all to convince a fish out of a school of tails to chase down your topwater offering.
The weather has also remained about par for the course. Comfortable temps each day, plenty of sun most days and more wind than you would like. Although we did get a brief break from the wind last Friday, with light winds from the North in the 0-5 mph range. Certainly a nice change of pace. But you can still expect most days to be blowing in the upper teens to twenty by the time you are heading back to the ramp. Not a big deal, but certainly a little annoying.
The coming week looks like much of the same. Sun, easy temperatures and the same pesky wind to deal with. So we will be out there every day hunting up fish and reporting back. We may even have a few reports from Port O’connor with some jack fishing, as well as a little Texas tarpon action as well. Tis the season.
And on a slightly unrelated tarpon note…
We wanted to share this image from our good friend and client, Gary. Capt. Jeff had the pleasure of showing Gary the new world of saltwater fly fishing on the flats of Rockport, Texas. Since then, Gary has become a “frequent flyer” with Fly Fish Rockport. Often fishing multiple days each month.
Well Gary recently needed to make a trip to North Florida. Lucky for him, it was pretty close to Crystal River, FL. So after a bit of persuasion by Capt. Jeff, and the acquisition of a new 11wt rod as well, he was off last week to take care of “business” and fish a couple of days.
The reports this season from The Keys for tarpon have been pretty grim. But apparently all is well up North. Gary had multiple shots each of his two days and landed a few tarpon. The largest coming in at around 130 lbs. Not a bad showing, for his first time on the water in Florida.
Capt. Jeff received a bunch of photos and a few cryptic texts from Gary. The best reading, “It feels like I’ve been in a street fight.” This came after his first day fighting these huge fish. We are still anxiously waiting all the finer details of the battles on the water. Hopefully we will report back with more photos and funny stories.
But, congrats to our good friend Gary are certainly in order. We couldn’t be happier for him. Also, we appreciate the photos and rocking the Fly Fish Rockport sun shirt out there. Next cocktail at Glow is on us Gary! Can’t wait to hear the stories.
Anyway, the Spring weather continues on the Coastal Bend of Texas. So jump on it while the fishing is still lights out. We will keep the reports coming. Also, we will try to get some of our new trip offerings up and functional on the site as well. Near shore, kayak, etc. All kinds of fun stuff coming.
And as always, follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and even Snapchat for the very latest news. We try to post something most every day. Or of course you can email any time for additional info or ask about what we did and where we did it that day. We will tell you where we fished and what we saw, as best we can.
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